I have Texas roots that are deep. I was born in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and lived across the street from Dallas Cowboy stadium for many years and thus am a avid Dallas Cowboys fan. I grew up in a pastor's home and from a young age saw first hand what it meant to love and serve God's people.
At the age of seven I realized I was in need of a Savior and I placed my faith and trust in Jesus Christ on a Sunday morning in Jr. Church. At the age of thirteen the Lord began to place upon my heart the desire to go into full-time ministry and serve Him with my life.
After graduating high school I enrolled in Heartland Baptist Bible College in the fall of 2019. I graduated from Heartland Baptist Bible College in the spring of 2023 with a Bachelors in Biblical Studies and Youth Ministry. It was in Bible College the Lord began to burden my heart specifically for teenagers. The Lord used a Youth Director to change my life's direction.
In the spring of 2023 I married my beautiful wife, Hannah. We then moved to Green Country and have been serving together at Grace Baptist Church since June 2023. We are excited about what God is doing at Grace Baptist Church and we feel privileged to serve along side so many wonderful people.